Apparatus for Transtemporal Occurrence of Impending Space

About Project

Extensive research suggests that Apparatus for Transtemporal Occurrence of Impending Space is indeed a 19th-century invention that sees 50 years into the possible future. The machine was recently restored after being ‘misplaced’ in Council storage for a period of 80 years, but the predictive automaton is permanently jammed on a fictional vision of Melbourne in the 1930s – as envisaged by its 19th-century inventors.

Kilometres to install

Apparatus for Transtemporal Occurrence of Impending Space is an interactive artwork situated in Melbourne’s Docklands on the banks of the Yarra. The machine exterior pays tribute to the steampunk genre, while the internal automata theatre, hidden inside a porthole, shows a dieselpunk ‘future’ with suspended tram cars, dirigibles and grand art deco architecture that never materialised. To operate the theatre, a handle is wound to generate power and lights.


Russell Anderson
Artist and Fabricator
Docklands, Melbourne