Apparatus for Non-destructive Transmission of Biological Visualisation

Invented in the early 19th century by eccentric naturalist Franz Andriessen, the device is believed have been one of many such apparatuses housed on his science vessel, which was lost at sea.
The machine locks onto a sea creature’s life force and copies it, translating and
projecting a perfect image of it. As far as we can tell, Apparatus for Nondestructive Transmission of Biological Visualization can only be tuned to one
animal without harm. Long after the creature dies it is still able to project its
image … a ghostly camera of sorts.
By winding the handle on the apparatus, electricity is generated which works a
projector, silhouetting a mermaid onto the underneath of the umbrella. The
handle also powers internal and external high output LEDs.
A sterling silver mermaid inside the machine is mounted on clockwork, and
turns proportionally with a second control knob.
The silversmithing was done by my partner – jeweller Rebecca Ward.
Russell Anderson
Artist and Fabricator
Redcliffe, Queensland
Maleny, Queensland
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