
Art+Design translates ideas into buildable projects with detailed high quality visualisations and supporting documentation. Equal consideration is given to form and function, ensuring the client’s design intent is maintained whilst meeting the practicalities of working to a brief and creating work for public space.
Services we offer include:
CAD modelling –
~ Parametric modelling to output shop drawings for fabricators
~ Parametric modelling to output 3D printed models
~ 3D visualisation to communicate designs for presentation
~ Parametric modelling to output shop drawings for fabricators
~ Parametric modelling to output 3D printed models
~ 3D visualisation to communicate designs for presentation
Detailed design documentation
Estimating and quoting
Additionally our long-term experience in the public realm brings a body of knowledge and experience regarding the suitability of materials and techniques to public art applications as well as an innate understanding of durability and safety requirements.
Maleny, Queensland
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