Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus II

About Project

Like the Apparatus for Non-destructive Transmission of Biological Visualisation, but more portable, the Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus (RECA) locks onto a sea creature’s life force and copies it, translating and projecting a perfect image of it to the machine. Some have suggested the two machines somehow work together, or that the RECA was created as a more transportable version for fieldwork. Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus II Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus II Materials: cast bronze, stainless steel, copper, brass, found vintage objects, LEDs, DC generators, super capacitors Completed: 2013 Like the Apparatus for Non-destructive Transmission of Biological Visualisation, but more portable, the Remote Effluxion Cloning Apparatus (RECA) locks onto a sea creature’s life force and copies it, translating and projecting a perfect image of it to the machine. Some have suggested the two machines somehow work together, or that the RECA was created as a more transportable version for fieldwork. Original RECA on display in New York

Life forces so far recorded


Russell Anderson
Artist and Fabricator
Private Collection